America is at a crossroads.
Our challenges grow greater every day.
We disagree, often bitterly, over how to solve our problems.
Sometimes we disagree on what the problems even are.
But there's one thing we can all agree on.
America needs leaders with courage.
Come January, the electoral battles will be over.
America will have a new Congress, President and Vice President.
It will be time for them to roll up their sleeves and get to work.
The Campaign for Courage is a movement of Americans of every political stripe in every state calling for our leaders to start fresh with a Commitment to Courage.
But not just in theory.
For members of Congress, we present ten specific acts of courage to choose from.
We call upon every member of Congress to commit to at least one of these Acts of Courage.
For the new Administration, we present three specific acts of courage.
We call upon the President and Vice President to commit to all three Acts of Courage:
A Peace Process for America.
Imagine EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS committing to
One Simple Act of Courage when they take their seats in 2025.
And in 2026, two Simple Acts of Courage.
And so on, year after year.
Imagine the President and Vice President making peacemaking in America as important as peacemaking abroad.
It would be historic.
It would change the nation.
Together we can make it happen!
We are seeking to enlist 1,000 citizens in every state to call upon the candidates to make a Commitment to Courage.
50,000 Americans could change the course of history.
Will you join us? Click here to learn how.